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Bip ! beep ! Weeeeep !
The washing machine rings, the audience of imaginary spectators disappears, chimerical creatures disappear, objects become immobile again.
Game time ends. Back to reality.
He finds himself alone, surrounded by a washing machine, a filled laundry basket and a broom.
A simple task on the agenda : start a washing machine.
But success is not so easy.
The adventures follow one another, victories and failures follow one another, emotions flow, full and intense.
One wrong step and everything changes.


This choreographic piece invites you to enter into the intimacy of a clumsy dreamer, plunging into a domestic setting where each element becomes a reflection of its
mental and emotional interior. In this sensitive space, each task becomes an excuse to overcome the ordeal of a dull and insipid daily life. Banality
takes its importance in what it becomes potential failure or victory, small or large.
How to deal with the loneliness that creeps into this daily friction ?
It is from this questioning that we will follow this individual absorbed in his imagination, coloring these inert objects of a soul and playing with
all tasks to move into a fantasy world.

However, the choreographic writing immediately changes, sliding towards a new imaginary universe, inviting us to suspend time with a chiseled dance passing
crazy fast at the most extreme slow motion. The game is then revealed, it is no longer a question of filling the void of reality, but to transcend it to
bring out a poetic space.
What follows is the pleasure of discovering what new bodily technology will be invented moment by moment in these romantic adventures..
Contemporary dance techniques, break dance, acrobatics are explored to nourish a rich universe letting us sense playfulness and hidden joy.
The notion of imbalance is at the heart of choreographic writing, metaphor of uncertainty, feverishness and characterizing movements made approximate. The lunar individual is cluttered, carrying around a mountain of clothes, revealing the weight of duty. Carried away in its momentum, he no longer controls his movements, collapses, rises. The fall becomes a reason to highlight the ambient emotional heaviness but also the funnyness of a moment when everything escapes us.

Choreographic show – Young Audience From 3 years – Duration : 35 mn

Sortie de création : Automne 2025 at the Théâtre du Grand Rond

Staging & Choreography Privaël Burkhard & Géraldine Borghi
Interpretation Privaël Burkhard
Musical creation (in progress)
Creating lights Amandine Richaud
Production manager Marie Ousset
Coproduction Theatre of the Grand Rond in Toulouse
Supporters & Residential homes City of Colomiers, Conservatory of Colomiers, Ville de LavelanetService Culture, L’Escale à Tournefeuille, le Tracteur à Cintegabelle