Management & Lights Creation
After a baccalaureate in applied arts in Tours, an audiovisual BTS in Toulouse and a crayfish peeling CAP in Quimper, he has been working as an ecologist and videologist in Toulouse since 2008.
He works with companies whose municipal reputation is well established : The Periscope, Give back, Nelson dumont, Fabulax, The Chahut Army, Thank you, Plural scenes, 11h11, Like a company, la Rift, DNB, the Useless and Filao.
His cumulative passion for hot weather, the crowd, real estate scams and lemonade on the terrace will push him to do 5 years in a row the Avignon festival in the company of various Toulousain troubadours more or less recognized.
He also spent 2 years at Arnaud Bernard's most underground theater: the Plumb Line, as (and that's the word) general manager.
We will pass over in silence his short but brilliant career in the student cinematographic environment..
Otherwise he likes the tartiflette, see no interest in cucumber and wear black socks out of sympathy for Eddy Mitchell.
He recently converted to crop-agricultural engineering in Lauraguet.